Cours de compréhension de suisse-allemand, bernois, allemand et walk and talk Genève Franziska pugin-maurer
Franziska pugin-maurer cours de compréhension de suisse allemand, bernois, allemand et walk and talk

Private lessons in Geneva


  • Understanding of Swiss-German

  • Bernese dialect

  • German


of Swiss-German

Even though many Swiss-Germans do not like to speak German, all of them understand it perfectly. Take a step towards them and learn to understand Swiss German!



You are or will be in regular contact with the Bernese dialect. (Moving, customers, in-laws, etc.)
Learn to understand, speak and even read and write in Bernese.


All Swiss-Germans understand it and almost all the writing is in German. Moreover, the better you speak German, the faster you will understand Swiss German.

Cours de compréhension de suisse-allemand, bernois, allemand et walk and talk Genève
Cours de compréhension de suisse-allemand, bernois, allemand et walk and talk Genève
Cours de compréhension de suisse-allemand, bernois, allemand et walk and talk Genève
Cours de compréhension de suisse-allemand, bernois, allemand et walk and talk Genève

 Understanding of


Aimed at facilitating contact with Swiss Germans, their language and their culture, this  training course is based on the four main Swiss-German dialects (Basel, Bern, St. Gall, Zurich).


In this course you will learn to understand, speak, read and write the Bernese dialect.


Learn, revise, prepare for an exam, refresh or simply practice, this course will provide you with everything you need! 

“Walk and talk”

I offer German or Swiss-German conversation sessions, while walking around the marvelous area of the “Parc de la Grange”, the “Parc des Eaux-Vives” and the beautiful shores of Lake Geneva.

Current broadcasts in Swiss-German:


Television SRF1 “Schweiz aktuell”. The most important news of the day on cantonal, regional and municipal topics. On the internet with German subtitles:

Television SRF1 “Puls”. Current health show, broadcasting talks about medicine, psychology, food and fitness. On the internet with German subtitles:

Television SRF1 “Arena”. Switzerland’s domestic politics discussion forum. On the internet with German subtitles:

Radio SRF1, listen to the “Regionaljournal” in different dialects, which follows the official German newscast:

Tips for listening to the Bernese dialect:


Radio SRF1, “Regionaljournal” Bern, Fribourg, Valais:

Follow radio BERN1 on Instagram:

Bernese-German online dictionary:


Tips for improving your German:


The Goethe Institute website :

Mock exams from the Goethe Institute:

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